Garrett Lane, Tyldesley, Greater Manchester, M29 7EY


Garrett Hall Primary School

Dream and Believe, Learn and Achieve...


 Our Summer Term topic in Year 2 is From the Amazon to the Arctic!   

 Meerkat MailImage result for scaredy squirrel Image result for journey book   Front Cover The Great Explorer by Chris Judge   

To view our theme topic web for the Summer term please click here


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In Year Two children will read their individual reading books once per week with the class teacher or teaching assistant. Sometimes children may also read as part of an intervention or with a parent helper, student or volunteer. Please try to read a minimum of 3 times per week to earn 500 miles on their 'Reading Around the World' challenge.  Children will be rewarded when they reach each new destination and show they have developed a commitment to reading at home.  


Guided Reading 

Children will have whole class guided reading Monday - Friday.  They will be taught how to answer comprehension questions based around our topic and will look at different words and their meanings.

Children will also take part in a range of reading activities. They will access these activities across the week including vocabulary activities, guided reading with an adult, individual reading, grammar activities and handwriting practise.  



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In Year Two our PE days are every

Monday and Wednesday

for both classes.

Please come to school in your PE kit and trainers

This term in PE we will be focusing on: 



In English this term we will be focusing on the following texts:

  • Meerkat Mail - Emilt Gravett
  • Scaredy Squirrel - Melanie Watt
  • Journey - Aaron Becker
  • Voices of the Rainforest -Brita Granström and Mick Manning
  • I am Amelia Earhart - Brad Meltzer
  • The Great Explorer - Chris Judge


We will be...

  • Using Explorers as the focus of our work.
  • Making links with Science and the different areas of the world.
  • Sentence level work - correct punctuation, types of sentences, making sentences more interesting and using interesting vocabulary.
  • Writing in different styles - stories, non-chronological reports, biographies, poetry and recounts.


Summer 1

What helps us grow and stay healthy?

  • that different things help their bodies to be healthy, including food and drink, physical activity, sleep and rest  
  • that eating and drinking too much sugar can affect their health, including dental health

    should have everyday

  •    how to be physically active and how much rest and sleep they

  • that there are different ways to learn and play; how to know when to take a break from screen-time

  • how sunshine helps bodies to grow and how to keep safe and well in the sun


Summer 2

How do we recognoise our feelings?

  • how to recognise, name and describe a range of feelings  
  • what helps them to feel good, or better if not feeling good  
  • how different things / times / experiences can bring about different feelings for different people (including loss, change and bereavement or moving on to a new class/year group)  
  • how feelings can affect people in their bodies and their behaviour
  • ways to manage big feelings and the importance of sharing their feelings with someone they trust  
  • how to recognise when they might need help with feelings and how to ask for help when they need it


Year 2 Team


Mrs B. Lock 

Mrs N Foster

Mrs S. Chambers

Teaching Assistant:

Mrs Woodall

Mr Davidson

Miss Wright


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  • Please remember to check Seesaw for updates, reminders, letters and photographs. 
  • Bibby's Farm Dates - TBC 

Summer Term Trips & Events

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Bibby's Farm

Mrs Lock's Class - June 12/13

Mrs Foster's Class - June 13/14


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In Maths we will be focusing on:

  • Fractions
  • Time
  • Statistics
  • Position & Direction

Times Tables Challenge

In Year 2 children need to know number bonds to 10 and 20 and also the 2, 5 and 10 times tables off by heart.  We have broken these down into smaller steps to make it more achievable.  Children will start with number bonds and when confident will move on to the 10 x tables and then divisions, followed by 2 x tables and then 5 x tables.  For children who are confident in these tables before the end of the year they can move on to the 3 x tables in preparation for Year 3.  Children earn stickers and certificates for each stage of the challenge.  

See Times Tables Challenge booklet for more information.  

Year Two in pictures...


Coming soon....

Spring Term

Ahoy There

To view our curriculum map/taught activities for the Autumn term please click here

                Flotsam By ,David Wiesner

National Curriculum 

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To view the National Curriculum expectations for Year Two

children please click here


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Homework is in the style of 'Pick n Mix' activities  alongside weekly reading, spellings and Maths tasks:

  • 5-10 mins reading 3-5 times a week
  • 5-10 mins practising weekly spellings
  • 10-15 mins practising time tables on Time Tables Rockstars at least once per week

The children are given one copy of the homework activities at the beginning of each term that contains lots of different activities that can be completed independently or with an adult.  Pick n Mix homework can be returned to school upon completion and shared in class.  There are a variety of activities to choose from as we try to make homework as fun as possible to engage all children!  

Children have also been given logins for Purple Mash, TimesTableRockstar, NumBots and Bug Club.  These can be accessed at any time.



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Spellings will be given out every Tuesday. The children will then do their spelling test the following Monday. Children will usually have 10 - 15 spellings to learn and will have a sheet of spellings in their spelling packs. Spellings will follow the Bug Club Phonics or Rising Stars Programme.

Throughout the year children will also practise the Year 2 common exception words which are linked below.

Being able to apply the spelling pattern in writing is just as important as getting them all correct in the spelling test!

Please click here to view the Year 2 Common Exception Words



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  • planting a range of seeds and bulbs and planning an experiment around this
  • Investigating the best conditions for growth
  • Discussing food chains and basic needs of animals

Our Topic Learning: 


  • Researching historical artists who use nature as their inspiration.
  • We will be studying famous explorers and what they found linked to English work.


  • Learning about the different climate zones on the Earth and how these link to the animals and plants that reside there.
  • Studying how weather patterns vary in different parts of the world.
  • Learning about the different habitats both locally and across the world
  • Finding out how animals and plants are adapted to their habitats
  • Discussing how we can be kinder to the environment to ensure animals continue to survive in their natural habitats.


  • Researching the artist Picasso
  • Focussing on the skills
    • form
    • shape 
  • Creating a 3D version of cubism style self-portrait

Design & Technology:

  • Evaluating current animal puppets
  • Designing their own animal puppet
  • Making own puppet
  • Evaluating own design and end product



Unit 1: Creating Pictures

  • Introduction and Impressionism
  • Pointillist Art
  • Piet Mondrian
  • William Morris and Pattern
  • Surrealism and eCollage

Unit 2: Presenting Ideas

  • Presenting a Story Three Ways
  • Presenting Ideas as a Quiz
  • Making a Non-Fiction Fact File
  • Making a Presentation


Unit 1:

  • What can we learn from Christian and Jewish creation stories?

Unit 2:

  • What do Muslims believe?