Garrett Lane, Tyldesley, Greater Manchester, M29 7EY


Garrett Hall Primary School

Dream and Believe, Learn and Achieve...


Image result for summer events

Sunday 7th July

Summer Fun Day

Image may contain: sky, outdoor and nature

Today we held our annual Summer Fun Day and wow Garrett Hall! It's been one of the busiest fun days we have ever seen! We had water zorb balls, bouncy castles, slides, ice-cream van, cafe, BBQ, an amazing raffle, tombola and much much more! Thank you SO SO much to everyone who came along and to everyone who helped out or donated in some way. What an incredible day it's been! We have hopefully raised lots and lots of money for our new playground. Total to be announced in the next few days! 

Friday 5th July

Year 3 trip to Coniston

Image may contain: one or more people, child, outdoor, nature and water

Y3 have had a fabulous day learning all about Coniston, their behaviour has been wonderful and so many members of the public have commented on their manners and excellent behaviour 

Wednesday 3rd July

Reception INSPIRE session

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Our new Reception children for September 2019 enjoyed their second INSPIRE session today for their new topic 'Bears, bears everywhere!' The children completed their Garrett Hall passports by collecting the final set of golden and silver stars for each activity they completed! Activities included playing a teddy game on the computer, threading a teddy shape, cutting out a teddy bear, making play dough cakes for a teddy bears picnic and much more! No tears, just lots of happy children excited to explore their new classroom! :) 

Friday 28th June

Non-Uniform Day

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Today we held our second non-uniform day in return for items for our Summer Fun Day. We have had some fantastic donations of a range of bottles. Thank you so much to everyone who sent in items for the day. We are looking forward to the Fun Day next weekend! 

Friday 21st June

Year 6 Rounders Team!

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Our amazing Y6 Rounders team played in the Wigan Finals for a place at the Manchester Games today! Well done to everyone involved! 

Tuesday 18th June

Non-Uniform Day

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Today we held a non-uniform day in return for items for our Summer Fun Day. We have had some fantastic donations of chocolates, filled jars, toys, teddies and raffle/tombola prizes. Thank you very much to everyone who sent in a donation, without you our fun day simply couldn't run! Look out for our next non-uniform day in a couple of weeks. 

Thursday 6th June 2019

Our amazing choir sing their hearts out!

Well done to our wonderful choir singing at the ATHOS Music Festival this morning! Amazing children and even more amazing voices - wow!  

Friday 24th May

Walk to School Week

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing, shoes, child and textA huge well done to Mrs Makin's class who won our golden boot award for Walk to school week! 

Friday 26th April

Dad's Football

Well done to our Garrett Hall Dads XI in their match against St George's Central tonight running out 1-0 winners. Thanks to Hindsford FC for use of pitch & facilities ⚽️ 

Thursday 2nd May 2019


Well done to Garrett Hall Footgolf team. The children also acted as Playleaders today for the event and conducted themselves perfectly. 

Wednesday 22nd May

Garrett get Bronze!

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Congratulations to Mrs Dunn and the School Councillors who have been working on a travel plan at the school council meetings and have been awarded a Bronze Award. Well done! Silver next!! 

Friday 7th June 2019

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On Friday we held a non-uniform day to raise money to help make a difference to homeless people. The children enjoyed coming to school in their own clothes and we have hopefully raised lots of money. We raised a fantastic £412.00! A HUGE thank you to all parents and carers for sending in donations.

Sunday 7th July

Year 6 Swimming Gala 

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A huge well done to our Y6 swim team who won the Cope Shield at Tyldesley Swimming Gala today 

Tuesday 2nd July

KS1 Sports Day

Image may contain: one or more people, people playing sport, grass, outdoor and nature

Today we held our Year 3/4 and our 5/6 sports day. The weather was beautiful and the children were amazing. A HUGE thank you to everyone who came along to watch and show their support. The turn out was AMAZING. We also have to note that the ladies won the adult tug of war for the second year running! Better luck next year fellas!

*All pictures from the day can be found on our GH Facebook page*

Wednesday 26th June 

Reception INSPIRE session-Part 1

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We welcomed our new intake of Reception children (for September 2019) to our school for their very first INSPIRE session. The session was called 'Bears bears everywhere!' ready for our brand new bears topic in September. The children each had a Garrett Hall passport and had to complete a range of challenges to win golden stars for their passport. We had an amazing day and it was great to see the children so settled and no tears! We are so excited for part 2 next Wednesday! There are lots of lovely photos from the session on our GH Facebook page. 

Friday 21st June

Year 1's trip to Haigh Hall

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, people standing, outdoor and nature

Year One had a fabulous day today on their Haigh Hall trip. The children played crazy golf, took part in a den building and bush craft session, made real fire, had ice-creams from Holden's and played on the park. What a lovely day! Our 4 albums of photos from the day can be found on our GH Facebook page. 

Tuesday 18th June

Year 4 Summer Music Concert

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Year 4 hosted their Summer music concert. The children played brilliantly and we have some real talented musicians at our school. Beautiful music children-Well done to all involved.  

To see more pictures and videos from today please head to our Garrett Hall facebook page. 

Friday 4th June

3rd place for our Year 6 footballers

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Well done to the Garrett Hall Y6 football team who finished in 3rd place in the ATSA U11's cup this evening ⚽️⚽️⚽️

Monday 3rd June

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Well done to the Year 6 Netball team, who won all 3 of their matches tonight and are through to the finals in a few weeks time. Amazing team effort! 

Wednesday 5th June 2019

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Many thanks to Music Alive from the Wigan Music Service for bringing in some of their woodwind instruments to show our children this morning 

Wednesday 22nd May

Garrett Rounders Team win Gold! 

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Congratulations to our rounders team who won the Y5/6 Rounders Festival earlier today.We are very proud of you! Thanks to Mr Cooke (SGC) who organised the event on behalf of ATSA. Thanks also to the umpires from SGC who officiated the matches too. 

Thursday 2nd May 2019

All Stars Cricket Taster Sessions 

Our Year 1 and Year 2 children had taster sessions with All Stars Cricket today. The children really enjoyed taking part in the activities set up for them and showed great enthusiasm. Children have brought home a sticker to say they have taken part and a flyer about how to sign up. The cost is just £40 for an 8 week course and this includes all kit, a bat, ball, hat, t-shirt, bag and water bottle. More details can be found on the website at  

Friday 3rd May

Year 2 Football Tournament 

Well done to our Year 3 football team who have taken part in a football tournament today at Leigh Sports Village. 

Monday 20th May

Garrett Girls Runners Up

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Well done to Garrett Hall girls' U11 football team who came runners up in the Tyldesley Cup tournament tonight ⚽️

John Muir Award June 2019

Year 5 have been taking part in the John Muir Award 2019. Here are a few pictures so far....other albums can be viewed on our Garrett Hall facebook page. The children have produced some fabulous work so far inspired by Andy Goldsworthy. Fantastic work guys-Keep it up!

Friday 5th July

Year 1 Football Team come 2nd!

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Our amazing Year One football team came second today at the football tournament at the Soccerdome in Wigan. The children played fantastically well and worked very well as a team. Fantastic boys and girls! We are so proud of you! Some more pictures from the event will be posted on our Facebook page next week (w/c 8th July) 

Thursday 4th July

EYFS Sports Day

Image may contain: 6 people, people smiling, people standing, sky, outdoor and nature

Our EYFS children had a fantastic sports day this afternoon. The sun was shining and the children represented their house teams amazingly. Fantastic sportsmanship and running from all of the children. A HUGE thank you to everyone who came along to support our EYFS sports day! The children absolutely loved it and we hope you did too :) 

*All pictures from the day can be found on our GH Facebook page*

Thursday 4th July

KS1 Sports Day

Image may contain: one or more people, people playing sport, sky and outdoor

Today we held our KS1 sports day. It was an amazing day with beautiful sunshine. The children all took part in lots of different  races such as the egg and spoon race, sack race, sprint and hurdles. The also all had a turn at the javelin, long jump and two throwing events. A HUGE thank you to everyone who came. We had a massive turn out again this year and your support really does mean a lot to us. The fellas won the KS1 tug of war by a country mile!!! Better luck next year ladies!

*All pictures from the day can be found on our GH Facebook page* 

Monday 1st July 

Our Choir @ Bridgewater Hall

Image may contain: 1 person, smilingOur amazing choir attended the ALFA Raising Music Festival at the Bridgewater Hall today.  They all sang beautifully and we are SO SO proud of each and every one of them. A HUGE thank you to Miss Worrall for all your hard work with the choir and to Mrs Lindop and all the other staff who help out too. 

*All pictures from the day can be found on our GH Facebook page*

Friday 28th June

Year 5 John Muir Assembly

Our Year 5 children performed their John Muir assembly on Friday. What a fantastic performance with beautiful singing (there is a lovely video on our facebook page) The children also enjoyed doing some John Muir inspired activities with their parents during the assembly. We are sure you will agree the children have put in a lot of work and made a fantastic effort to produce such a wonderful assembly. Thank you to everyone who attended. 

Wednesday 26th June

Year 2 participation festival

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Our Year 2 children were lucky enough to be invited to the participation festival. The children went along with Mrs lock and Mrs Thorpe and had a fantastic time. All the children were very well behaved and every member of our team was awarded a badge for either team work, determination or self belief!

Friday 21st June

Year 2 residential to Bibby's Farm

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Our Year 2 children have had a fantastic few days at Bibby's Farm in Chorley this week. The children enjoyed building building independence,resilience, perseverance and team work 

Thursday 20th June

Year 4's trip to Rivington! 

Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting, shoes and outdoor

Year 4 learned all about land use and why people visit Rivington on their geography field trip today. The children had a fantastic day and are enjoying learning all about Rivington as part of their Geography topic. Pictures from the trip can be found on our GH Facebook page. 

Tuesday 18th June

Year 5 John Muir Award

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Today the children visited Astley St park to work with the Friends of Astley Street Park. The children helped to conserve their local area by litter picking and planting new flowers, huge thank you to the friends of Astley Park for allowing us to help you again this year, the children had a fabulous morning. To see more pictures from today please head to our Garrett Hall facebook page. 

Monday 17th June

Year 1 Multi-Skills @ Robin Park

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Year 1 had an exciting trip to Robin Park to take part in a multi-skills festival. The children had a great time learning skills in tennis and taking part in obstacle courses. The children were impeccably behaved. Thank you to all our parent helpers for coming on our trip. 

To see more pictures from today please head to our Garrett Hall facebook page.