Tuesday 17th December
KS2 Cinema Night
KS2 enjoyed their cinema night in their PJ'S with hot chocolate and cookies for everyone. A HUGE thank you to all the staff who stayed for cinema night and also to all the parents and carers who supported our night by purchasing tickets. All money raised will be used in school and will benefit your children. Thanks again!
Tuesday 17th December
KS1 & EYFS film night
KS1 and EYFS enjoyed their cinema night in their PJ'S with hot chocolate and cookies for everyone. A HUGE thank you to all the staff who stayed for cinema night and also to all the parents and carers who supported our night by purchasing tickets. All money raised will be used in school and will benefit your children. Thanks again!
Friday 13th December
EYFS 'Pick N Mix' Homework Celebration Day
EYFS held their homework celebration day today
Monday 9th & Tuesday 10th December
KS1 performed their nativity 'Prickly Hay' to parents this week. The show was amazing and we would like to say a huge congratulations and well done to all the narrators, dancers and actors in the play as well as a massive thank you to all the had working staff. Without you the performances couldn't go ahead! A huge thank you for the wealth of support we received for each performance. We do hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.
Friday 6th December
Carol Service @ St George's
It was a privilege taking our wonderful choir to St George’s Carol Service last night. Their singing was absolutely magical. Thank you so much to everyone who attended and for your support and encouragement this term.
Wednesday 4th December
He's behind you!
The whole school have enjoyed a pantomime performance of Jack and the Beanstalk this morning. A huge thank you to LADA Pantomimes for coming into school to perform. The children have really enjoyed it!
Tuesday 3rd December
Year 5 trip to Liverpool World Museum
Today Year 5 enjoyed a trip to the Liverpool World Museum :)
Thursday 28th November
Year 3 Trip to Bolton Museum
Year 3 had a fantastic trip to Bolton museum today as part of their Ancient Egyptians topic. The children loved exploring all the Egyptian artefacts and learning about the mummies.
Thursday 21st November
Den Building Fun!
Thank you to Wigan Healthy Lifestyles team for coming in and working on archery and den building with some of our children today. The children had a great time! :)
Wednesday 13th November
Year 6 welcomed a war hero!
Year 6 had the privilege of meeting our visitor Mr Ben Wallsworth, aged 99 years old, a soldier who fought in WW2 and was at Dunkirk, a previous mayor of Salford who has been awarded the freedom of the city and a man who was prolific in the development of Salford Quays! They spent the afternoon listening to his stories of his life during WW2 and how he got back home. The children were definitely in awe of this inspirational man whose parting words to them was ‘you young people are the future, look after each other’.
Friday 8th November
Reception buddy up with Year Two!
Our Reception children were given a Year Two Buddy today and spent the afternoon playing together. Their buddy will be watching out for them needing help on the playground or around school
Thursday 31st October
Our children enjoyed a very special spooky lunch today to celebrate Halloween. A HUGE thank you to Mellor's for making so much effort for the children's lunch today. You really made them smile! :)
Friday 18th October
'Wear it Pink day'
Today we held our 'Wear it Pink day' to raise money for two very important causes. We managed to raise £426 from non-uniform donations and also Violet, one of our Year 5 pupils also managed to raise a further £288 selling her wonderful handmade bracelets. The money will be sent to two charities 'Breast Cancer Research' and also to 'The Churchill Unit @ Bolton Hospital who will use the money towards a cold cap machine. A HUGE thank you again to everyone who donated and a special thank you to Violet too.
Thursday 17th October
Year 6 class assembly..
A huge well done to Year 6 on their fabulous class assembly today all about their class novel Boy by Roald Dahl... You were amazing! Well done!
Tuesday 8th October
Fun @ Fred Longworth High School
Well done to some of our talented Y6 musicians who took part in a composition workshop at Fred Longworth High School Official today
Friday 4th October
Year 4 attend Wizard School
Y4 performed their Harry Potter dance & read their poetry to other children today during Harry Potter day. What a fabulous end to their book study!
Monday 23rd September 2019
Year 2 Trip to Staircase House
This Monday Year 2 enjoyed a trip to Staircase House in Stockport. This was to kick off their 'Fame, Fire and Fortune topic. They learnt all about The Great Fire of London and also about the plague that happened the year before. Ask them all about it! They know lots of interesting facts and would love to share it with everyone.
Wednesday 18th December
Christmas Dinner Day
Today the children and staff enjoyed a wonderful Christmas dinner from Mellor's. A huge thank you to Mellor's for making so much effort with the dinner. We all loved it!
Tuesday 17th December
Brownies Perform 'Mania Manger'
Well we are certainly feeling all Christmassy now! A huge thank you to the amazing Brownies for their wonderful performance of 'Manger Mania' this morning! :)
Monday 16th December
EYFS & KS1 Christmas Party
EYFS and KS1 enjoyed their Christmas parties today! :) Thank you to all parents and carers for your party donations of money for us to buy food and drinks. The children had a fantastic time!
Friday 13th December
KS2 'Pick N Mix' Homework Celebration Day
Key Stage 2 had a wonderful afternoon visiting each other's classrooms and sharing their amazing homework from the Autumn term pic n mix menus. We were transported back to Ancient Egypt in Y3. Y4 was full of superb Anglo Saxon villages, we were blown away in Y5 by their knowledge of Ancient Greece and we were wowed in Y6 by work on World War 2. What a fabulous afternoon and what creative children (and parents) we have! Thank you to everyone for their wonderful creations and fabulous effort this term! We can't wait to see what is shared at the end of Spring term!
Wednesday 11th December
EYFS Reception Perform 'Higgledy Piggledy Nativity'
Our Reception children performed their nativity 'Higgledy Piggledy Nativity' for the final time this morning. The children were simply amazing! We are so very proud of each and every one of them! Thank you so much for all the lovely comments and messages about the nativity this week! We really hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
Friday 6th December
Christmas Jumper Day
Today we had our annual Christmas jumper day. The children looked fantastic. A big thank you to everyone who donated items for our coloured hampers on Christmas jumper day and well done to all our winners! :)
Wednesday 4th December
12 Days of Christmas
Thank you to everyone who contributed to our 12 days of Christmas initiative. We had a fantastic response. The items have all now been taken to the food bank. Thank you!
Friday 29th November
Advent Calendar Collection
We have taken 53 Advent Calendars taken to the food bank this morning ready for the start of Advent on Sunday. Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Twelve Days of Christmas initiative. We have been overwhelmed with your response!
Tuesday 19th November
Spelling BEE-TASTIC!
Our amazing children took part in a ‘Spelling Bee’ competition against 8 other local primary schools today. It was a fabulous afternoon and we were crowned the ‘School Spelling Bee champions’ an amazing achievement well done children - you were fab-u-lous!
Friday 15th November
Children In Need Fun for EYFS & KS1
Garrett Hall has gone Children In Need crazy this morning. EYFS and KS1 have started their morning with 'The Big Morning Move' live with Joe Wicks. We are raising money for two fantastic causes today. 'Children In Need' and the 'NSPCC'
Friday 15th November
Altru Drama Company Performance
Anti-Bullying Week
A huge thank you to Altru Drama Company who have been into school this afternoon to perform their anti-bullying show 'Agents of Change' What a fantastic end to our anti bullying week Some of our Year 2's also enjoyed an anti bullying workshop after the performance
Monday 11th November
Year 5 pay their respect
Today Year 5 paid their respect at Tyldesley cemetery war memorial. A huge thank to Keith Stott from the British Legion for talking to the children about the local soldiers who are buried in the cemetery and about how the Poppy Appeal money helps local soldiers.
Friday 8th November
Year 4 are visited by a Viking
What an incredible start to their topic! Year 4 had an amazing day learning all about the Vikings with Wayland the Viking himself!
Tuesday 29th October 2019
Halloween Disco fun
Our KS1 children enjoyed their Halloween disco this evening! Lots of spooky costumes, dancing, games and sweet treats! :) You all looked fantastic. Well done to everyone for dressing up!
Friday 18th October
KS2 Friendship Day
Key Stage 2 enjoyed a fabulous Friendship Day and worked together in their house teams to create these amazing House shields. Each house representing one of our 6 school values
Wednesday 16th October
It's Harvest Time!
We enjoyed a wonderful Harvest assembly this morning. A huge thank you for all your kind donations which have been collected for Atherton & Leigh Foodbank :) It is predicted that your collection will help in the region of 240 families.
Thursday 17th October
Cross Country Success!
A huge well done to our KS2 cross country team
Thursday 10th October
It's a mayor opportunity!
Today some members of our eco committee met the mayor of Wigan at the Wigan Borough Eco Conference. They went on a fact finding mission to bring back ideas to help us achieve our next Eco flag ♻️ Well done guys! We are super proud of you!
Thursday 26th September 2019
If you go down to the woods today....
Our Reception children had a lovely afternoon at their teddy bear's picnic as part of their Bears, Bears Everywhere topic. The children have spent the past two weeks writing lists and invitations for the picnic and they have also designed teddy bear digestive biscuits using icing and decorations. Great fun!
Friday 13th September 2019
Thank you Book Trust!
A HUGE thank you the to Book Trust for our lovely new books to take home. Reception were thrilled to take 'The Cave' home and were even more excited that it linked to our autumn term topic 'Bears, Bears Everywhere!' What a lovely surprise!
Monday 16th-Friday 20th September
Walk to School Week
This week we held our own walk to school week to try to avoid congestion at the bottom of the school path, save the planet and help our lovely neighbors. A HUGE thank you to all of the children, parents and carers who walked to school or parked further away than usual and walked the rest of the way. You ARE making a difference! The children were very excited to come into school each day and tell the staff that they had walked that day. Thanks once again!
Thursday 19th December
Our Christmas Assembly
Today we held our Christmas assembly to mark the end of our first term. Merry Christmas to all our children and families!
Monday 16th December
Year 4 Christmas Party
Year 4 had a fantastic Christmas party! A big thank you to everyone for their contributions!
Friday 13th December
KS1 Pick N Mix Homework Celebration Day!
Key Stage One has a fabulous morning sharing their homework together! The children loved it and had all worked so hard on their creations! They proudly shared them together with each other #pickandmix
Monday 2nd December
Swimming Success!
Wow, well done to our Y4/Y5 Gala Team at the Wigan East meet today. Great performance with the girls taking bronze and gold for the boys! Fantastic!
Wednesday 25th November
ATSA Table Tennis
Our Year 5 table tennis team had a great timr at the ATSA meet this evening :)
Monday 18th November 2019
Garrett Hall are Flying High!
As part of the celebrations of 100 years of the IAU they have launched a competition to name an exoplanet and its host star. Our school have made it into the last 10! Our entry names are Elan and Galloway (dark sky parks) This is incredibly exciting for Garrett Hall and would like to ask for as many people to vote for us as possible. You can vote by clicking the link then selecting 'Elan and Galloway' by Garrett Hall Primary School. We will keep you updated. Thank you!
Wednesday 20th November
Year 2 Great British Bake Off
'The Great Fire Of London'
Year Two took part in a Great British Bake Off this afternoon - baking bread rolls as part of their Great Fire of London work
Thursday 14th November
Diwali Celebrations & Food Tasting in Reception
As part of our Diwali celebrations our Reception children have been trying lots of yummy Indian food! The children loved tasting the different breads, samosas, pakoras, poppadoms and sauces :) #EYFS #Inspiringaloveforlearning #Foodtasting
Tuesday 12th November
Sciencetastic fun @ 'Imaginethat!' for Year 1....
Our Year 1 children enjoyed a fabulous trip to Imaginethat! in Liverpool on Tuesday. They enjoyed lots of fun science activities, slime and bath bomb making and a science show! Lots of fun!
Tuesday 29th October
NSPCC Assembly
A huge thank you to the ladies from the NSPCC who came into school today to talk to our children about keeping themselves safe. All year groups from Reception-Year 6 enjoyed an assembly learning about buddy the NSPCC mascot. The children listened to stories and watched videos about the NSPCC and talked about who they can ask for help. Our year 5 and 6 children also enjoyed workshops after the assembly!
Tuesday 29th October
EYFS & KS1 Pumpkin Carving Competition
A massive thank you to all the children who took part in our pumpkin competition today! All of the entries were fantastic. Congratulations to all of our winners from all year groups.
Friday 18th October
KS2 Friendship Day
EYFS and KS1 had an amazing end to their friendship week
Wednesday 16th October
Primary Dance Leaders Festival...
What an amazing night at Fred Longworth’s Primary Dance Leaders’ Festival! A huge thank you to Mrs McPhail, our dance leaders Jasmine, Natalia and Sasha, and our supportive parents. Girls, you were INCREDIBLE
Tuesday 8th October
ALDI kits 4 schools
A huge thank you to everyone who has sent in Aldi kits 4 schools stickers so far. The children are very excited because our first chart is now full!! Let’s see if we can complete another one
Wednesday 9th October
Gold for Garrett!
We are celebrating gold
Wednesday 2nd October
Year 6
Voting for our House Captains
Today the Year 6 children began their campaign to be elected for House Captain. The children wrote speeches ans made banners and posters to encourage people to vote for them. Well done to all of Year 6 who wrote amazing speeches and well done to all the children for their amazing support for one another.
Friday 27th September 2019
Macmillan Coffee Morning
Thank You to everyone who showed their support by donating cakes and coming to our Macmillan Coffee Morning. We had an amazing turnout and the children all sang their hearts out! We managed to raise an outstanding amount of £809.44. THANKYOU!
Monday 9th September 2019
Our Reception children settle into school life...
Our Reception children have fully settled into school and have been enjoying exploring their new classrooms. We have 60 happy, settled and wonderful children... who love to explore, learn, find out and who are enjoying making lots of new friends. Well done Reception! We are really proud of you!