Sports Premium
What is the Sports Premium?
This government initiative began with investing over £450 million on improving physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools over the 3 academic years from 2013 to 2017. They have decided to continue with and double this pledge to fund sport in all schools till 2020. Schools have been given the control over how the money will be spent within the parameters of strict government criteria.
The table below shows the five key priority areas that the government states the sports premium money spend should focus on. Over the course of each academic year we will ensure that all five objectives are invested in whilst focusing more specifically on any of the key objectives, that we feel need developing, in order to keep PE and sport provision at Garrett Hall at its current high level.
Here at Garrett Hall we are committed to delivering a wide ranging PE curriculum that is engaging and high in quality. This will ensure that teaching and learning opportunities in PE are high quality, meeting the needs of all pupils so that they may achieve their potential.
Key Priorities and the objectives of the funding
1, Health and Well-Being A greater awareness amongst pupils about the dangers of obesity, smoking and other such activities that undermine pupils’ health
2. Raising the profile of PE and sport for whole school improvement How much more inclusive the physical education curriculum has become; the improvement in partnership work on physical education with other schools and other local partners; links with other subjects that contribute to pupils’ overall achievement and their greater spiritual, moral social and cultural skills
3 Professional Development in PE How much more inclusive the physical education curriculum has become; growth in the range of provisional and alternative sporting activities.
4 Increasing the range of sports and activities on offer The increase in participation rates in such activities as games, dance, gymnastics, swimming and athletics; the growth in the range of provisional and alternative sporting activities.
5 Competitive Sport The increase and success in competitive school sport.
At Garrett Hall our aim for this funding is that there is a legacy after the funding stops. It is imperative that it is used in a way that demonstrates long term impact. We are hoping that effective professional development in physical education, range of sporting activities and competitions on offer and the purchasing of kits and equipment will fulfill this aim.
Our funding focus for 2024-2025 can be found below
You can also view our annual PE Newsletter here
2023/2024 Sports Premium Report and Impact Statement Click here
2022/2023 Sports Premium Report and Impact Statement Click here
2021/2022 Sports Premium Report and Impact Statement Click here
2020/2021 Sports Premium Report and Impact Statement Click here
2019/2020 Sports Premium Report and Impact Statement Click here
2018/2019 Sports Premium Report and Impact Statement Click here
2017/2018 Sports Premium Report and Impact Statement Click here
2016/2017 Sports Premium Report and Impact Statement Click here