Autumn Events 2023
September - Welcome to our new Reception children
It has been wonderful to welcome our two new classes of Reception children into school. They have settled into their new routines wonderfully and already feel a big part of our Garrett Hall family.
11th September - Computer Xplorers
Some of our upper junior children have started the computer Xplorers Minecraft after school club this week. This is a game-based learning opportunity which uses Minecraft to explore science, social sciences, maths, literacy, geography and technology!
Week beginning 11th September - Specialist music lessons restart
This week we have welcomed Wigan Music Service back into school to provide specialist music lessons to our children throughout school. Not only do we have a bespoke music curriculum on offer, but we are also lucky to have our junior classes learning how to play either the recorder, ukulele or other string instruments!
29th September - Macmillan Coffee morning
Thank you to all those who attended our annual coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. I am sure you will all agree that our Year 6 helpers definitely provided service with a smile!
Week beginning 9th October - Author visit
This week our key stage 2 children have had the opportunity to work with the author Chris Allton in the process of creative writing; learning to develop their ideas and skills in editing and re-drafting. He started his two day visit with an assembly and then spent time in each class delivering writing workshops to the children.
November - Library visits
Our children are always excited to visit our lovely library each week to share and enjoy books. Each year group from Nursery to Year 6 eagerly await their weekly library trips!
November - Choir rehearsals begin!
Our fantastic key stage 2 choir have re-convened their rehearsals again this week in preparation for another fantastic year of singing! We can't wait to hear what they have in store for us.
10th November - ATSA Kurling competition
Congratulations to our Kurling team who won the ATSA Kurling competition today. The team showed great determination and team spirit throughout and showed great encouragement to the other teams too. Well done children!
17th November - Well being Coffee Morning
Thank you to all those people who attended our termly coffee morning today. It was lovely to see some new faces and talk to services that had come along to support us.
21st November - Year 3 trip to Manchester Museum
Our Year 3 children have enjoyed a trip to Manchester Museum today to find out more about their topic work on the Egyptians. The children took part in a number of workshops and had the opportunity to handle real life Egyptian artefacts.
12th December - Year 2 visit to Staircase House
Our Year 2 children had a fantastic time at Staircase House today. This was a fantastic end to their Fame, Fire and Fortune topic and learning all about the Great Fire of London. If you would like to see some photographs of the visit, please visit our school Facebook page.
15th December - Christmas Jumper Day
Our school has been an array of colour today as the children have enjoyed wearing their Christmas Jumpers in place of their school uniforms.. We have also been able to make 18 wonderful coloured hampers after your generous donations of Christmas goodies!
Thank you to all parents and carers who donated items and bought raffle tickets. The winners have now been drawn and the office staff will be in touch to arrange for you to collect your prize!
We would also like to thank our lovely 'elf' helpers; Mrs Greenhalgh, Mrs Halliwell and Mrs McCarty for sorting out the donations and creating such lovely hampers to raffle off.
21st December - Christmas Dinner Day
Today was Christmas dinner day! The children from Nursery through to Year 6 have enjoyed eating their Christmas dinner with their teachers, listening to Christmas songs and pulling lots of crackers.
September - We now have two Nursery classes!
This year we are lucky to be able to have two Nursery classes that form part of our Early Years Foundation Stage department. It has been lovely to welcome so many little smiling faces to our school.
Week beginning 11th September - Peripatetic music lessons begin
This week we have welcomed back our peripatetic music staff to provide an excellent range of individual instrumental lessons within school. We have some budding musicians now who are learning to play the saxophone, piano, guitar, cello, violin, and trombone!
Week beginning 25th September - Meet the teacher
Thank you to all those who attended our 'meet the teacher' event this week. It was lovely to see so many of you looking around your child's new classrooms and being introduced to their new class teachers.
4th October - Bolton School STEM event
Well done to our STEM team who attended a Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths event today at Bolton School. The girls used all their skills and teamwork to take FIRST PLACE in the Space themed event that was attended by schools from across the North West. Brilliant!
31st October - Pumpkin Competition
A massive well done and thank you to all those who entered our annual pumpkin competition. Your creativity and imagination was wonderful and we loved seeing all of your designs!
19th October - Teddy Bears picnic
Our Reception children had a lovely afternoon celebrating the end of their 'Bears, Bears, Everywhere!' topic with a delicious teddy bears picnic today.
2nd November - Halloween Disco!
Children from Year 1 to Year 6 enjoyed their Halloween discos tonight. The fancy dress costumes were amazing - even if some of them were a bit scary!
Please take a look at our Facebook page for pictures taken on the night!
10th November - We will Remember
Children and staff across school today observed a minutes silence to remember all the military men and women that died in the line of duty whilst serving their country.
13th November - #OddSocksDay
Today, the school was a little more colourful as everyone wore odd socks to celebrate the start of anti-bullying week.
13th November - ULTRU drama performance
We welcomed ULTRU drama company into school today to deliver an anti-bullying workshop all about 'Superhero School'.
It was a performance about someone called Max who loves science and enjoys school, but doesn’t enjoy being picked on by Mikey. Mikey thinks it’s just a laugh, and he’s too busy with his YouTube and TikTok videos to worry about Max’s feelings. One day Max goes to school as normal, but everything has changed. She find herself at a school for superheroes – meeting the strangest characters – but learning a lot about herself and what to do about bullying.
Year 3 then also took part in a anti-bullying workshop to discuss these issues in more detail.
22nd November - Strictly Come Dancing!
A huge well done to our amazing dance team who won first prize at the ATSA Strictly Come Dancing competition today. The group performed the jive and the cha cha to a very enthusiastic audience. Well done!
7th December - St George's Carol Service
A huge thank you to St George's Church for inviting our Key Stage 2 choir to their community Carol Service this evening. We loved taking part and left feeling very Christmassy!
Week beginning 18th December - Let's Party!
The children across school have enjoyed their Christmas parties this week. There has been lots of singing, dancing and games, as well as a visit from Santa himself! It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas now!
18th September - Harry Potter arrives in Year 4
Our Year 4 children were excited to receive letters inviting them on their imaginary journey to Hogwarts today. They will spend the next term being inspired to write and read extracts from the Harry Potter novels. We can't wait to see what they learn!
13th September - Cricket lessons!
This week we have been pleased to say hello to the staff from Lancashire Cricket Board, who are currently working with our lower junior children to deliver cricket lessons as part of their PE curriculum.
2nd October - Year 6 trip to Stockport Air Raid Shelters
Our wonderful year 6 children had a fantastic day at Stockport Air Raid Shelters today as part of their topic work on World War Two. They learned all about rationing, evacuation, the air raids and the shelters - an even learned a few war-time songs along the way!
13th October - Harvest Festival
Today we celebrated our Harvest festival in with a wonderful assembly delivered by children across the school. We also welcomed Warren from Atherton Food Bank, who spoke to the children about his role and very gratefully received your kind donations. Thank you!
19th October - Cross Country
After lots of wet and muddy Thursday lunchtimes, our cross country squad took part in the ATSA finals today. We got medals in all team categories and finished with Garrett Hall taking first place position overall! Absolutely amazing! Well done everyone.
6th November - Wayland the Viking visit
Our Year 4 children enjoyed a visit from Wayland today, who taught them all about the world of Vikings. The children took part in a full day hands on workshop exploring their topic and learning more about the Viking period in history.
9th November - Year 5 Greek day
Our year 5 children enjoyed an exciting Greek day today, learning all about different city states and their ways of life. They took part in role-play, hands-on activities, crafts and games, finishing off with a performance of the Greek myth about Persephone, who became Queen of the Underworld.
17th November - School Games
Our Just Join In team enjoyed a fun packed day at the School Games Event today. They took part in a variety of activities throughout the day and never stopped smiling!
17th November - Children In Need Day
It was lovely to see our children come to school in their own clothes today in support of Children In Need. Everyone took part in fun activities throughout the day and we raised over £400 to send to this worthwhile cause.
29th November - Zumba!
Two of our Year 6 girls enjoyed a great Zumba session with local instructor Anna at another successful ATSA event tonight. Well done girls; your smiles are telling us that you enjoyed it!
Week beginning 11th December - Santa Dash!
This week, all children in every year group have had an amazing time taking part in the festive Santa dash; which is all about having fun whilst being active. Here are our results:
Week beginning 4th December - Nativities!
A massive well done to all of the children and staff in our EYFS and Key Stage 1 departments who put on 8 amazing performances of their Christmas plays and nativities. They were truly outstanding as always!