Garrett Lane, Tyldesley, Greater Manchester, M29 7EY


Garrett Hall Primary School

Dream and Believe, Learn and Achieve...


Spring Term Events 2024

Spring | Definition, Dates, & Facts | Britannica

Happy New Year!

Wishing all parents a Happy... - King's Kids Private School ...

It has been lovely to welcome back all of our children this week after the Christmas break. Everyone came into school enthusiastically ready to embark on their new topics for this term - please see the class pages for more details. 

23rd January - Eco assembly

Today we welcomed Ellen Hardakre from Wigan Council's Eco Team into school to lead an assembly for our Key Stage 2 children. She delivered a very powerful message to our children about their role in protecting the earth. She encourages everyone to watch the eco poem 'The Promise' by Matt Kelly to help understand the importance of her message. 

2nd February - Kurling

New Age Kurling Competition Set | Inclusive Sports | YPO

A massive well done to our fantastic Key Stage 1 team who took part in the Kurling competition this afternoon. You all showed great team work and are a credit to Garrett Hall. 

14th February - Valentine's Day

Love was in the air today as we celebrated with gorgeous Valentine's treats at lunchtime. Thank you to our amazing kitchen staff who made these lovely goodies for the children to enjoy.

26th - 28th February - Year 4 residential

The children in Year 4 have just arrived back from a fantastic few days away at the Anderton Centre in Rivington. This residential encouraged the children to build resilience and confidence when trying new things. They had the opportunity to take part in activities such as paddle boarding, tree climbing, crate stacking, archery and bush craft activities. Well done everyone!

6th March - Swimming Gala

A fantastic well done to our swimming team who took part in the ATSA gala today. They secured some excellent individual wins and put on a superb team performance!

7th March - World Book DaySupporting World Book Day

The children and staff enjoyed celebrating World Book Day together today. Our theme was 'Goodies and Baddies', can you spot any characters that you know?

Week beginning 25th March 

Information Evening for Parents Carers- | Great Marlow School Website

Thank you to all of the parents and carers who attended our Parents/Carers evenings this week. It was lovely to see so many of you in school to celebrate your child's progress and achievements this term. 

Week beginning 18th March - French Days

LE BLOG DE MADAME BIRTWISTLE: Organising a successful French day!

A massive thank you to Mrs Hughes, who has planned and delivered two very exciting French Days in school this week. The children across both key stages joined her in the school hall to play French games, try some French food and even learn some new French vocabulary!

15th January - Mrs Beaty recommends...

Book Recommendations — Kingsway

Mrs Beaty held her Monday morning assembly today to introduce this term's recommended reads. The children have been given a selection of books to read this term that have been especially chosen by Mrs Beaty. Each class has their own copies and the children can take turns to share and read them.

25th January - ATSA Team building event

Well done to the Year 5 children who took part in the ATSA 'Active Minds' Team building competition today. It was lovely to join other local schools in competing in lots of different activities, and the children did really well.

6th February - well being coffee morning


Thank you to everyone who attended our termly well being coffee morning today. It was lovely to see you all there

15th February - Valentine's Disco!!

The children enjoyed three wonderful disco's today after school to celebrate Valentine's Day. It was lovely to see so many smiling faces. 

1st March - Football winners!

A massive well done to our football team who ended their season in style tonight with a comprehensive win! Brilliant!

5th March - First Aid Event

Today we invited children from local primary schools to take part in an ATSA First Aid event at our school. The Year 6 pupils learned about the principles of first aid in a range of situations and how CPR and defibrillators can be used to save lives. 

18th March - Governor Day


We welcomed some of our school governors into school today. They spent the afternoon talking to the school council, touring our EYFS and Nurture units and meeting the teachers and teaching assistants. 

27th March - Easter Egg and Easter Bonnet competition

Well done to everyone who took part in our Easter egg and Easter bonnet competition today. Your creations were fantastic!

19th January - Action Festival

Some of our year 6 children took part in the Action Festival at Howe Bridge Leisure Centre today. They had lots of fun and tried out some new activities such as boxing, archery, weight training and rock climbing.  

22nd January - Dodgeball

Object dodgeball | Drawing for kids, Cartoon clip art, Dodgeball

Some of our Key Stage 2 children took part in the ATSA dodgeball competition this evening. They showed fantastic team work and resilience throughout the tournament. Well done everyone! 

17th & 31st January - Phonics workshops

Miss Partington in Reception ran the first of two phonics workshops this afternoon for our parents and carers in the EYFS. Everyone got the opportunity to see how we teach phonics at Garrett Hall and take part in some of the phonics activities on offer in the Reception classrooms. 

24th January - Computer Xplorers

It was lovely to welcome the Computer Xplorers back into school today as they started their series of workshops in KS1 and EYFS. Today's activities involved 'robotics' in our year 1 classes and the children had lots of fun!

31st January - story telling

Thank you to our Key Stage 2 story tellers who shared extracts from their own writing, a class novel and other reading for pleasure books in our assembly today. You all displayed excellent story telling skills that kept us all captivated!

2nd March - Cross country event

What an amazing morning for our cross country teams. Our year 3/4 girls got 3rd place and our year 5/6 girls came in 1st place with the best score of the the competition. The girls were awarded overall winners of the competition too! Excellent work teams and well done everyone!

12th March - Year 3 Chester visit

Our Year 3 children had a lovely visit to the Grosvenor Museum in Chester today, where they continued learning about their topic on the Romans. 

15th March - Red Nose Day

Red Nose Day 2023 Details: Red Nose Day 2023: Here's everything you may  want to know - The Economic Times

We held a non-uniform day today to raise money for this very worthy cause and are able to send them £398.40 in donations. Thank you very much!

Week beginning 18th March - Healthy Relationships Programme

Healthy Relationships PSHE Lessons by PlanBee

This week we are welcoming the Healthy Relationship Team into school to talk to different year groups about the types of relationships we encounter in our lives. This is part of our PSHE programme in school. 

Week beginning 25th March - Year 3 assemblies

Roman Culture, History, and Mythology – Creative English Teacher

A massive well done to our Year 3 classes, who have performed excellent class assemblies this week for their parents and carers. Their assembly theme was all about their topic work on the Stone Age and the Romans and all the children danced, sang and acted with confidence and huge smiles.